There are several ways you can help us raise funds: 

  • Eating out on Restaurant Nights
  • Buying Spirit Gear
  • Saving and bringing in Box Tops for Education or use the Box Tops for Education app to conveniently upload your receipts.



About our Fundraising

The Village at Park Dale Lane is comprised of two non- profit organizations, PTA and EEF. We are a parent volunteer led entity that is responsible for fundraising for school programs and enrichment teachers. 

PTA - Parent Teacher Association

Park Dale Lane's PTA is a non-profit organization and is part of a National PTA, which is part of the California State PTA (https://capta.org/), which is locally governed by the North Coast Council of PTA's (http://www.nccouncilpta.org/). The non-profit status was granted to our PTA via an IRS Determination Letter upon establishment and a copy can be requested from your by emailing president@pdlpta.org.


Our PTA is responsible for fundraising for school programs.


PTAs Tax ID #33-0119455


EEF - Encinitas Educational Foundation

The EEF at Park Dale Lane is a chapter of the Encinitas Educational Foundation. The non-profit status was granted to the EEF via an IRS Determination Letter upon establishment. You can view the documents by clicking on the links for W-9 and IRS Determination Letter.


Our EEF chapter is responsible for our enrichment teachers.


EEFs Tax ID #33-0178719